Friday 13 November 2015

Reunion to Richards Bay, South Africa

The 12 day passage was much better than the one we experienced in Sal Darago 3 years ago. We had no gales. Occasionally, we had gusts of wind up to 35-40 knots. However, we did have strong winds right on the nose, a 2-4 metre swell with waves breaking over Sara II and one of them half filling the cockpit.

We also experienced following winds and would have made good progress if we hadn’t had a 2-3 knot current against us. As a result we did not make the waypoint 150 miles south of Madacascar before the winds changed to SW force 6. After several hours of making no progress against the wind, we tried motor sailing for 20 hours and got to within 34 miles of the point where we could turn more north and start sailing again. Unfortunately, it was decided to stop motoring and heave to. Fourteen hours later, having drifted backwards quite a distance, Sara II began to sail SE. Soon enough, we were able to tack back to westerly and passed the waypoint 20 hours later. We made good progress for a few days before the wind died and we motored for 60 hours. On our last day the wind started blowing from the NNE from 0800 and we arrived at Richards Bay with 30 knots behind us. Twelve hours later a SW gale hit the area. We were pleased to be in port.

During the worst of the winds, as darkness fell, two birds attempted and then landed on Sara II. They were soaking wet and shivering with exhaustion. We made a nest out of a cardboard box, but one of the birds flew off in fright, while the other decided to stay for B&B. Fully rested, the following morning, it said farewell and flew off to who knows where?
The bird says goodbye to John

Sweating in Richards Bay, we are waiting for a 24 hour favourable wind to take us to Durban.


Skyscraper Cape Town said...

Fires raging in Simon's Town off the mountain yesterday and today, hope they will be out by the time you arrive! Barbara

Emily said...

Love the bit about the bird! Exx