Thursday 22 March 2012

Back in Malaysia from the UK

Hi Everyone. We are back in Malaysia after our trip to the UK. Thank you to all our family and friends who gave us their spare rooms or their own beds and provided us with lovely meals. Thank you Simon and Erin for the use of your car. On our second day in the UK, Jeremy started with a cold. On the third day he passed blood in his urine. A visit to the doctor put him on antibiotics for 2 weeks and further tests were recommended. Our GP in Lancashire referred him to Edinburgh, where a cystoscopy was carried out giving the all clear for his bladder. An ultrasound was recommended. This was done on the last possible day before our flights. The all clear was given for Jeremy’s kidneys and the swelling he had found on his testicle.

Just to add to the tension, I had a fall at our nephew, Robin’s house when I stepped on a large bag holding skis and ski poles. My feet slipped from under me in the dark and I crashed down smacking my arm on a cupboard and scraping a 3 inch line of skin off my lower arm. This happened immediately before our drive to Gatwick for our flight to Kuala Lumpur. Sixteen or seventeen hours later, when we were in a guesthouse in Langkawi, we were able to inspect the damage. I had a pot of rosemary, frankincense and lavender cream with me from my Lancashire friend and therapist, Pat Calderbank. Liberal rubbing with this cream twice a day has eased the swelling, so thank you, Pat. I had no idea your gift would be needed so soon.

And now for the good news. We had a great time in the UK. Our itinerary was very full as we travelled from Suffolk to Yorkshire, to Tyne and Wear, to Edinburgh, to the Isle of Mull, to Lancashire, to the Isle of Man, to Hertford and to Kent. It was wonderful to see Emily and Ben, Simon and Erin, my Mum and all our brothers and sisters, most nephews and nieces, plus a few friends. We are sorry that we were unable to see everyone, so please keep in touch via the blog or email.

Since we’ve been back, work has started on preparing Sal Darago’s bottom for antifoul paint. We have a hire car from the airport for a week as the boatyard is miles from anywhere and there is no public transport on Langkawi. We have just arranged a car for next week at a much better rate of 30 ringgits a day (£6). As you can see from the photo, we are enjoying the facilities of the boatyard, which include the open air shower, a twin tub washing machine, water and electricity. The emerald coloured sea is close and inviting as we cook in 35C.

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