Sunday 14 August 2011

Sabu Welcome

Our British friends on "Ellida", who had been delayed in Darwin with engine problems, arrived at Sabu on 10th August. A Brazilian yacht, "Canela", had also arrived and anchored near the ketch, "Gloria". We were all invited to the welcome ceremony. As in Rote, we were entertained with traditional dancing and music. At first, there were the four of us from "Sal Darago" and "Ellida", but as we were half way through a meal of pork and rice, four of the crew from "Canela" arrived. We all had to sit on palm mats under a shelter on the beach. Nex,t we were loaded into an open truck, which had only two seats, and taken on a tour to see sacred megalithic stones at a traditional village. Jeremy and I were chosen to be "King" and "Queen". We were purified by having water splashed over us and then had our bodies rubbed with rice and herbs. We had to rub noses with the female guide. Four of the crew from "Gloria" joined us at the village, so the truck back was changed to one with wooden seats down both sides.
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