We left Lizard Island and the Barrier Reef closed with the coast of Australia. Big ships shared a narrow passage and this led to some uncomfortable squeezes in the tight spots between the reefs. Sal Darago rounded Cape Melville which was composed of massive boulders. The whole mountainous area was also made up of these huge boulders. We stopped at the delightfully deserted Morris Island, but did not have time for a walk as it is dark by 6.30 pm and we were up at 5 am nearly every day to cram in 60 to 70 nautical miles.

We got in with a bad crowd of yachts. They were all bigger than us and despite us leaving early, they just sailed right through us and we were last into the anchoage at night. Rounding Cape Grenville (last again) we snuck through a dodgy passage betwixt the Home Islands and nearly beat the British 43 foot Oyster called Trenelly. "SAN - E - T", an Australian catamaran called up on the radio and as we turned our eyes in the direction indicated we saw a living, moving, hungry CROCODILE! Kathy and decided not to swim that evening or any other evening since. They don't half look mean. (The yachts were very friendly and helpful really;)

Onwards and upwards, to Escape River where on our escape (groan!) the kickstrut ripped out of the bottom of the mast. A quick repair and we were okay to approach and round Cape York. Goodbye Pacific, hello the Gulf of Carpentaria. After a couple of nights at Seisia, where we ate a huge pasta dish at a camp site; filled up with diesel, water and nosh, we set off on the 360nm trip to Gove. It was quite rough with 20 to 30 knots of wind all the way. We arrived in the morning on Sunday 260611, and were amazed at the size of the Bauxite Processing Plant. Still, it is the only reason Gove exists.